What is staking?

Staking is one of the core concepts in the world of cryptocurrencies, especially within the realm of proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains, like Cardano. But what exactly does it entail? Let's dive deeper.

The Essence of Staking

At its core, staking involves committing a certain amount of cryptocurrency in a wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. These operations can range from validating transactions to assisting in the creation of new blocks. In return for this commitment, delegators (or stakers) receive rewards, usually in the form of additional cryptocurrency. It's similar to placing your money in a traditional bank account and earning interest but in the decentralized world of blockchains.

💡 It's similar to placing your money in a traditional bank account and earning interest.

Proof-of-Stake vs. Proof-of-Work

While Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies use a system called proof-of-work (PoW) where miners solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks, PoS blockchains like Cardano have a different approach. Instead of relying on computational power, they depend on the amount of cryptocurrency held in staking to ensure network operations. This not only makes PoS systems more energy-efficient but also democratizes the process, allowing more individuals to participate without the need for expensive hardware.

Why Stake?

There are multiple reasons why individuals and entities stake their cryptocurrencies:

  1. Rewards: Stakers earn regular rewards, offering them an opportunity to grow their holdings and generate passive income.

  2. Network Security: Staking helps maintain the security and integrity of the blockchain. The more coins that are staked, the more decentralized and resilient the network becomes against potential threats.

  3. Voting and Governance: In some blockchain networks, delegators get a say in the decision-making processes, including proposals related to network upgrades or changes.

Staking in Cardano

Cardano's staking model allows ADA holders to delegate their holdings to stake pools (like [ROBOT]) or run their own stake pools. By joining a pool, delegators enhance the chances of being chosen to create a block, and in return, they receive a portion of the rewards, proportional to their staked amount.

Start staking with [ROBOT]

In essence, staking is a win-win scenario. It's an avenue for cryptocurrency holders to earn rewards while actively participating in and bolstering the security and efficiency of the blockchain network they believe in.

Last updated