Eternl Wallet

A step-by-step guide for staking ADA from Eternl wallets. All types - mobile and web3.

Mobile Wallet

  1. Open your Eternl Wallet app and select your wallet

  2. Tap on Stake tab

  3. Find a pool of your choice in the list of pools. You can search for ROBOT and stake with us!

  4. Tap on Delegate

  5. Enter your spending password and tap on Sign

  6. You have unleashed the power of your ADA!

Your first reward will be generated in 25 days period. Then every epoch (5 days).


  1. Open your browser and the Eternl Wallet browser extension

  2. Click on Staking tab

  3. Find a pool of your choice in the list of pools. You can search for ROBOT and stake with us!

  4. Click on Delegate

  5. Enter your spending password and click on Sign

  6. You have unleashed the power of your ADA!

Your first reward will be generated in 25 days period. Then every epoch (5 days).

Last updated